So, I got tagged for this thing by the most excellent Media Diva.
Here's how you play: Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "Tag, You're it" on their profiles and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you.
I'm not sure if this is supposed to be a MySpace-only meme -- we'll have to see if it can survive outside that rarefied atmosphere. Anyway, since nearly every thing, fact or habit about myself is either weird or random, here's the first 10 that come to mind:
1. On my desk at work, where I am sitting right now, there is a hunk of blue Silly Putty that I have been obsessively playing with for the last few weeks -- just squishing it around with my left hand while my right hand uses the mouse to click to and fro on the Internet while I really should be working.
2. I suffer from bruxism. In fact, I'm bruxing right now. I clench my teeth and jaw so hard at night sometimes that I dream that I'm still wearing braces, and that they've just been tightened.
3. I do not have cable service; it sloughed off of my budget a few years ago after I was laid off. The only channel I can get clearly with rabbit ears is the public television station. Therefore, I was very excited a couple of weeks ago when the new season of "History Detectives" started. Wes Cowan FTW!
4. Nervous tic: flicking the second or third fingers of my right hand against my right thumb. Sort of a weak, un-consummated finger-snapping gesture. I sometimes do this to the beat of whatever song is running through my mind, but sometimes it's just a random rhythm -- although I'm sure if I were to analyze it, it would reveal the binary code for my genome sequence or something.
5. For years, I was buying size 12 shoes and wondering why my feet always hurt at the end of the day. I figured it was mostly because I worked in bookstores where they don't allow you to sit down. But then I discovered I was actually a size 13, and things got better.
6. I have had no pets and no houseplants as an adult -- I have never been consciously responsible for the existence of another living organism. Whether this is selfishness or laziness, or a heady broth of both, I leave for the sweet Zombie Baby Jesus to decide.
7. I own a basketball autographed by Shaquille O'Neal.
8. Whenever I board a plane, I press my hand against the outside fuselage, just for like a half-second as I'm walking in the hatch. This is so my prints will be on the plane, in case there's no other way of identifying my body after the plane crashes. Of course, I don't think my fingerprints are on file anywhere, so this is a completely futile gesture. It's also possible that I'm unintentionally adding aerodynamic drag to the plane, making us 0.0001 minute later at the arrival gate. (This habit was possibly inspired by a friend telling me that a highway cop will always put his hand on the trunk lid of a stopped car as he approaches the driver, to leave prints in case something goes wrong. I'm not sure if this is true.)
9. I feel weird leaving home without a watch on. Consequently, I sometimes intentionally leave home without a watch -- just to experience the weird feeling.
10. I carry a small change purse with me most all the time. Inside that change purse is a purple Mardi Gras doubloon embossed with Steve Guttenberg's face. It was a gift from a friend. I plan to have this coin in my possession until I die.
Tagging (in alphabetical order):
- Charlotte
- Dawn
- Elrond
- Lint Queen
- Mab
- Marianne
- Phil
- Stew
- Switchboard Susan
- xtaNor
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