In honor of Mother's Day (specifically, in honor of the fact that my mother doesn't know about this blog yet), I give you the following test results:
I really don't have any idea what this means, however. Does that mean I'm in the 42nd percentile of sluttiness? That 58 percent of the people in the world are sluttier than I am?
I should point out that the hashmarks next to the young lady above are representative of the test score (i.e., 42 hashmarks = 42% slut) -- not the number of my own partners, which I have no intention of getting specific about at this time except to say that it's somewhere in the single digits.
I'm a little surprised the score is that high -- although I guess on the standard academic curve, this would be a failing grade in sluttiness. Anyway, I'm just doing my part to proliferate filth throughout the World Wide Web, as if it weren't already filthy enough. Sorry, Internet. Sorry, Mom.
Um, no comment?
Posted by: lastewie | May 15, 2006 at 07:42 AM
Apparently I am 65% slut. The other 35% is pure nun.
Posted by: Marianne | May 15, 2006 at 10:16 PM
HAH! thanks for removing the evidence of my drunken commenting spree last night.
Posted by: lastewie | May 16, 2006 at 07:38 PM